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Saturday, March 24, 2007

A couple of you asked about traffic here. Well, it’s thick and horrific to my Western eye. Which side of the road do they drive on? BOTH! I mean it’s the most confounding experience I think I’ve ever had, and yet it works. Forget traffic lights, stop signs or one-way streets – these are all optional and grossly ignored. But I’ve gotten used to it – the trick is to keep moving and just get in the flow! I’ll take some pictures during rush hour from my balcony so you can get a sense of it. Unreal.

1 comment:

katie said...

That sounds incredibly scary considering the fact I thought Spain's traffic was horrible.

Nothing is too new with me...I am just getting all my transcripts sent to UT, and I have five exams this week. Time consuming.

Love you and miss you. Hope you're having a good time.