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Thursday, March 8, 2007

getting ready to go

It's just a week from leaving for my assignment in Phnom Penh. I'm a bit anxious for what lies ahead, yet very excited at the same time - it's the thrill of doing something very new and at the same time doubting whether you have the ability to do know what I mean? And there are a thousand thoughts about what needs to be done at home before a long absence - trying to anticipate all that needs to be handled while I'm gone, like bills, chores, etc.

I'm leaving next Wednesday morning and will be arriving in Phnom Penh nearly 31 hours later. Four flights and many, many shifts in reality. I'll have four days to recover the 12 hour time difference and then my work will start on Monday, March 19.

1 comment:

JDFamily said...

My prayers are with you as you seek to change the lives of the Cambodian people for the better with the leadership skills God has blessed you with.
Our family will eagerly read your blog to hopefully get an 'on the ground' glimpse into a society that we have only read about in books and National Geographic.
May the Lord lead your decisions and steps all the way.
Grace and Peace to you bro.
Jimmy D.